OBSERVER – Don’t miss out on these upcoming events, workshops and trainings!

OBSERVER – Don’t miss out on these upcoming events, workshops and trainings!

OBSERVER – Don’t miss out on these upcoming events, workshops and trainings!CSO Tanya Walker
Thu, 03/06/2021 – 13:11

The coming months will see many interesting events related to the Copernicus programme and its services take place, as well as training opportunities and workshops which will allow existing and potential users to further understand and engage with Copernicus data. 

In the below sections, you will find a snapshot of some exciting upcoming opportunities from the Copernicus Services, the EU Institutions, the Copernicus network members and more.

Events & conferences 

The 5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, which started on 5 May, will discuss climate change adaptation challenges and solutions. A series of 9 webinars will be organised, followed by a high-level conference on 22 June which will reflect the conclusions from the discussions in the various webinars. Representatives from the Copernicus Climate Change Service, implemented by ECMWF, will be present during the 8 June webinar to discuss how Copernicus supports climate adaptation. 

More information and registration can be found here

From 8 to 10 June, the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) will hold its 5th General Assembly.  This event will discuss the various CAMS service elements and their continuous development, the use of in situ data in CAMS and an outlook for the next phase of CAMS. The event will be held over three days in a virtual format. 

More information can be found here

June will also see two EO-related events organised within the framework of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. 

Firstly, on 8 June, the 4th  Edition of the New Space Atlantic Summit, which will discuss the role of New Space for People, with a focus on earth observation and downstream applications. Information and registration can be found here. Shortly after, on 10 and 11 June, the Africa-Europe Space Earth Observation High-Level Forum, which will focus on space as an enabler of digital and green transitions and fostering European-African cooperation on advanced earth observation and data processing systems. More information and registration can be found here.

The EMODnet Open Conference will take place from 14 to 16 June. On the second day, 15 June, a panel discussion on the collaboration and synergies between EMODnet and the Copernicus Marine Service will be organised.

On 15-16 June, the 14th edition of the European Development Days will take place. The 2021 edition will focus on how the European Green Deal can enable a sustainable future, reflecting on key challenges of our generation such as biodiversity loss, climate change and environmental degration. More spefically, on 16 June, a dedicated session on the use of earth observation data for achieving and monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals will be organised. 

More information and registration is available here

On 22 June 2021, the European space sector will enjoy the long-awaited official launch event of the EU Space Programme. The event will mark the start of a new era for EU Space, with increased synergies between Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus and exciting new initiatives. More information will be available in the coming weeks; make sure to follow Copernicus, DG DEFIS and EUSPA on Twitter to get the latest updates. 

Many other exciting events such as EXPANDEO 2021 and IGARSS 2021 will take place in the coming months. All the latest information can be found on the events page of the Copernicus website.

Training & workshops 

The Copernicus ecosystem is continuously organising workshops and trainings to provide existing and new users with support to maximise the benefits Copernicus data provide. 

On June 16, the next EUMETSAT short course on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate will take place. It will address soil moisture in the root zone and discuss the strengths and limitations of the climate data record, including a hands-on session to explore the data. More information is available here.

On 17-18 June, the International Weather And Climate Forum, in collaboration with EUMETSAT, will organise a dedicated workshop on communicating about weather and climate change. The workshop is targeted towards journalists, weather presenters and/or representatives of EU or international organisations and will showcase strategies and good practices for effective communication to the public and decision-makers. Representatives from the Copernicus Climate Change will hold a panel discussion with some of their key media partners on 18 June. More information can be found here

To finish off the month of June, on 30 June, the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) will be hosting a user workshop for France. The workshop will discuss plans for the new CAMS CO2 service, experiences with CAMS solar radiation products and the use of CAMS data and services in various areas. The workshop will provide an opportunity to learn from and interact with existing CAMS users, meet the CAMS team and learn about use of CAMS data in France. More information and registration is available here.

Finally, from 30 August to 17 September, EUMETSAT, the Copernicus Marine Service and IOC/OTGA will organise a “training for trainers”. Carried out over three weeks, this training aims to support professionals conducting teaching/training on remote sensing in academic, operational, and/or commercial environments using Copernicus Sentinel-3 and Copernicus Marine data. More information and the link to apply (applications close on 29 June) can be found here.  

All sorts of other relevant events, workshops and trainings will be organised in the second half of the year. Visit the Copernicus Services’, EUMETSAT’s and ESA’s websites to find more opportunities, and don’t hesitate to contact the Copernicus Support Office for any questions you may have.

Thu, 03/06/2021 – 12:00