

– SATELLITE APPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ARTES 4.0 Strategic Programme Line “Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S)
ARTES Programme: 
Business Applications
Feasibility Study
Thematic Areas: 
Safety & Security
Space Assets: 
Satellite Communications
Earth Observation

This study has as its main objective to identify the real-life pragmatic needs of the public safety stakeholders within the Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) entities – on the specific topics of using (secure) satellite communication and satellite observation, to better address their own services offered to the public.

These PPDR stakeholders are identified and included as co-participants in the study – in order to make sure they represent a relevant set of end-users and that their indicated needs and requirements can be used to design and implement future satellite service that will benefit all/most of the (EU/world) PPDR entities.

ESA Business Applications Read More