3rd CASSINI Hackathon: (Re)Visit Europe

The third edition of the CASSINI hackathon will take place on 12-14 May across 10 different locations in Europe (https://hackathons.cassini.eu/) ! The theme of this hackathon is (Re)Visit Europe with 3 main challenges:
Creating sustainable destinations
Experiencing lesser-known cities and cultures
Exploring nature with care
The initiative challenges participants to use geospatial information from Copernicus Earth observation data and its services and/or positioning technologies from Galileo & EGNOS to develop innovative solutions that revitalise European tourism. Participants are encouraged to also consider emerging digital technologies (e.g., machine learning, augmented/virtual reality or blockchain) in their solutions as well.
The call for participant registrations launched on 14 March, running until 5 May 2022. Apply here (link).
The CASSINI Hackathons & Mentoring (https://ec.europa.eu/defence-industry-space/eu-space-policy/space-entrepreneurship-initiative-cassini_en) are a series of six hackathons over three years that tackle global challenges with European space technologies. They engage young professionals, students, and entrepreneurs with interests in coding, design, and business to understand and work with Earth observation data, satellite positioning technologies and satellite communications. Participants apply their skills and knowledge to solve global problems faced by industry and society. The three winners of each hackathon will be further supported by the mentoring programme that includes 100 hours of expert coaching to advance their ideas and help create impactful, commercially viable solutions.
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