Workshop: Power up: Skills, strategies and success for new professionals

Workshop: Power up: Skills, strategies and success for new professionals

Join us for an interactive skills workshop hosted by the ADS New Professionals Forum Special Interest Group.

This in-person event brings together like-minded peers for an afternoon of networking, learning and self-development. Whether you’re looking to build confidence, understand your strengths or connect with like-minded professionals, this event offers valuable insights into career progression, leadership, and personal branding.

We will be providing a networking lunch first for you to make introductions and start to get to know the group. We then kick the session off with a quick icebreaker and fun Kahoot session to measure attitudes to a career in our sectors. We then head into a Fireside Chat to hear from a seasoned leader on their career journey. Afterwards we dive into self-discovery with a workshop looking at your own superpowers, helping you develop your own personal brand and giving you the knowledge to succeed. 


  • 11:30 – Networking lunch
  • 12:45 – Welcome: Paul Oxley (ADS Director of External Affairs) and Nicola Harrison (NPF Chair and Software Engineering L6 Apprentice, QinetiQ)
  • 13:00 – Icebreaker
  • 13:20 – Team Kahoot activity
  • 14:00 – Networking and tea break
  • 14:30 – Fireside chat
  • 15:00 – Workshop: Harnessing your strengths and developing a personal brand
  • 16:45 – Wrap up
  • 17:00 – Event close.

Members of the NPF will be around aftwerwards to continue networking should you wish to.

Looking to grow, connect and get ahead?

Register now and gain invaluable insight into how to progress in your career.

We look forward to meeting you.

about The New Professionals Forum

The New Professionals Forum (NPF) is a peer-to-peer networking group for those new to our sectors. This friendly and supportive group organises senior keynote speakers, panel sessions with industry experts and special events hosted by ADS member companies and professional development webinars.

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