Pecora 22 Calls for Special Session Abstracts

Pecora 22 Calls for Special Session Abstracts

The 22nd William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium (Pecora 22) will be held October 23 – 28, 2022 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Visit the Pecora 22 website for more details. 

Continuous monitoring of the Earth involves the integration and analysis of both historical and contemporary remotely sensed imagery.  It occurs across spatial and temporal scales, measurement objectives, and embraces a broad range of remote sensing and analytical methodologies.

The Pecora 22 conference will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of the launch of the first Landsat satellite and the accomplishments that followed. The conference theme, Opening the Aperture to Innovation: Expanding Our Collective Understanding of a Changing Earth, embraces both the innovations and discoveries that resulted from 50 years of Landsat Earth observations, and also current and future innovations in science and technology that are contributing to our ability to improve our understanding and better manage the Earth’s environment.

We are currently accepting proposals for conference sessions and abstracts.

The deadline for both is February 15, 2022.

For more information see the conference website at

Questions? Contact the Pecora 22 Technical Program Committee at

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