EO4GEO Final Conference “Shaping the EO*GI skills of the future” on 17/18 May 2022
The EO4GEO project is happy to announce that the long-awaited final event of the project – the conference “Shaping the EO*GI skills of the future” – will take place on the 17th and 18th of May as a hybrid event online and in Brussels.
Please follow this link to register to attend the event online. If you wish to attend in person, please contact the event organisers at spaceteam@climate-kic.org
The event will bring together a broad and diverse range of stakeholders in the field of EO*GI including European institutions (the European Commission, EUSPA, ESA, as well as local and regional ones), with representatives of the private sector and academia and training providers, who will discuss together the current needs and education gaps in the EO*GI sector, what means are put in place to tackle it, and what additional steps and initiatives shall be further undertaken.
The conference will also showcase the work done under EO4GEO and define how the Blueprint project will transition into post-project legacy led by the EO4GEO skills Alliance aimed at supporting skills building in the sector. The impact of bridging the skills gap will contribute towards forming a workforce capable to support and implement numerous policies such as the European Green Deal and the monitoring of the UN’s SGDs.
To learn more about EO4GEO’s mission to bridge the skills gap in the space/geospatial sector and for additional context on the discussion, please consult the EO4GEO Sector Skills Strategy report, which defines specific actional objectives on the way forward.
“Shaping the EO*GI skills of the future” is associated with the European Vocational Skills Week 2022.
2022, EO4GEO, Events, News
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