ITT: EGNSS Additional Dissemination means
Galileo is the European global satellite navigation system, under civil control, which provides satellite positioning and timing services worldwide. The European Commission is currently specifying the long-term evolution of the European Global Navigation Satellite System (EGNSS) Programme, including new services for Galileo and European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). Amongst these new services, Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) will provide real-time high accuracy improved user positioning (positioning error below two decimetres in nominal conditions according to the Galileo HAS Info Note) free of charge through the Galileo signal (E6-B) and via the Internet. With regards to EGNOS, the next generation will augment Galileo and Global Positioning System (GPS) in the L1 and L5 frequency bands and will extend the service area to the entire landmasses of EU member states. The dissemination over Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) and Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites limits operational availability of the signal for end-users in high-latitudes. The contractor shall analyse cost-effective potential data delivery means alternative to the current EGNOS and Galileo ones.
A webinar to explain the framework and objectives of the procurement and its different tasks will be held on 4 October 2022 at 16:30 CEST. Please register for the webinar.
More information about the Invitation to Tender (ITT) and the contract notice publication can be found here.
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Users are at the heart of the EU Space Programme. The annual User Consultation Platform is a chance for this group to share their needs and provide feedback.
Read more on this here: User Consultation Platform helps set the course for the EU Space Programme
The Galileo System became operational in December of 2016 with the provision of initial services for the Open Service, Search and Rescue Service and Public Regulated Service. In the Full Operational Capability (FOC) phase the constellation will consist of 30 satellites, including in orbit spares, in Medium Earth Orbit. As part of its main services, Galileo shall broadcast authentication data through its Navigation Message Authentication (OS NMA), which provides information about the received signal’s authenticity and protects the users against certain attacks. Also, Galileo shall provide a High-Accuracy Service (HAS), through correction data disseminated via signal in space and terrestrial means
EGNOS currently provides augmentation to the GPS Standard Positioning Service (SPS). EGNOS augments GPS using the L1 (1,575.42 MHz) Coarse/Acquisition (C/A) civilian signal function by broadcasting correction data and integrity information for positioning and navigation applications over Europe. Around 2028, the next generation of EGNOS, EGNOS V3, will augment Galileo and GPS OS constellations in the L1 and L5 bands and will extend the service area across the EU. New EGNOS services could be implemented in further releases of EGNOS beyond 2028.
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