SpaceSense SOC

SpaceSense SOC

– SOC Recommended Farming Practices detection
ARTES Programme: 
Business Applications
Kick-start Activity
Thematic Areas: 
Food & Agriculture
Space Assets: 
Earth Observation

This Kick-Start Activity creates several satellite-based models that could be used to track Recommended Farming Practices (RFP) for carbon sequestration at a sub-field level (10m, based on Sentinel 1 & 2 data), and provide these information to companies creating Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stock models. They will be focused on the three following detectors:

Cover Crop Flag: Is the field using cover crops between main crops?

Crop Rotation Diversity Indicator: How diverse are the crop rotations, if any?

Tilling Flag: Is the field being tilled or not between crops?

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