Copernicus DEM – Global and European Digital Elevation Model (COP-DEM: EEA-10, GLO-30 and GLO-90

Copernicus DEM: a new digital elevation model for the Copernicus programme
The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) which represents the surface of the Earth including buildings, infrastructure and vegetation. This DEM is derived from an edited DSM named WorldDEM. You can find all the information related to the Copernicus DEM on the Dataset Composition section. A technical description is available here.
What are the instances of the Copernicus DEM archived in PRISM?
The following schema provides an overview of the available Copernicus DEM instances archived in PRISM.
See dataset details here:
Who can access the Copernicus DEM instances?
Eligibility to access the various instances of the Copernicus DEM depends on user’s category;
The Copernicus DEM with global coverage at 30 and 90 meters resolution (GLO-30 and GLO-90) instances are openly available to any registered user and archived under the following dataset-ids: COP-DEM_GLO-90-DGED; COP-DEM_GLO-90-DTED; COP-DEM_GLO-30-DGED; COP-DEM_GLO-30-DTED. The COPDEM EEA-10-R and COPDEM GLO-30-R Datasets are restricted to eligible entities. Check the Access rights to Copernicus DEM Datasets section.
Where can I find the information on the data provenance of the COP-DEM products?
The Source Data Layer (SRC) is a vector file in .kml format archived in the product itself, containing the information of the SAR data used for DEM processing. This file includes information about the acquisition ID, data scene number, data acquisition date and time as well as information about the height of ambiguity of the data scenes.
How can I access the Copernicus DEM products?
Copernicus DEM data at the three available spatial resolutions: 10m (left), 30m (centre) and 90m (right)
RegisterSign the licenseUse Panda or FTPThe step by step guideline on how to access to the Copernicus DEM is presented in the following video tutorial.
To download a limited number of Copernicus DEM products, we would recommend to use the Panda Catalogue. If you need to download a big number of files, you can do it via FTP
An important purpose for the Copernicus DEM will be the orthorectification and the atmospheric correction of Sentinel-2 data products, providing enhanced accuracy especially over mountainous regions. In addition, the Copernicus DEM will provide a common elevation layer for all Copernicus projects including Core Services and Contributing Missions. The homogeneous Copernicus DEM datasets will therefore ensure better consistency across the various Copernicus products and facilitate their combination over time and space.
In order to facilitate a wide range of usages, INSPIRE-compliant metadata and numerous additional information layers are provided, such as masks containing information about water bodies, height errors and accuracy statistics. Users have also access to detailed technical documentation (Product Handbook, Validation Report) on the different products.
The Copernicus DEM is based on the SAR-derived WorldDEM dataset provided by Airbus and acquired in close cooperation with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) by the TanDEM-X mission. WorldDEM is a standardised global and high-precision Digital Surface Model (DSM) with no regional or national border divides. It covers regions beyond 60° North and South without any missing areas, even in the heavily clouded Equatorial belt, mountainous or cliffy areas. The global WorldDEM data underwent a thorough editing and quality assurance process to ensure a homogenous quality regardless of the position on the globe.
Uncategorized, Copernicus, Copernicus DEM 2020-2021, EEA 10m DEM, GLO 30m DEM, INSPIRE, SAR-derived WorldDEM, Sentinel-2 Earth Observation & Remote Sensing Research in IrelandRead More