Registration is open: Copernicus4regions webinar on innovating public policies on Thursday 9 December at 10.00-11.00 am

Registration is open: Copernicus4regions webinar on innovating public policies on Thursday 9 December at 10.00-11.00 am

The Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies (NEREUS) in tandem with the European Commission and the European Space Agency is pleased to invite you to the Copernicus4regions webinar: How Copernicus helps Europe’s regions to innovate public administrations and the delivery of public policies.


You are strongly encouraged to register here (link)!


There will be a political statement from Markku Markkula, Regional Politician, Chair of the Espoo City Board and President of the Helsinki Region, Member of the Committee of the Regions (Member of the ENVE- Commission (Commission for Environment, Climate change and Energy) and SEDEC Commission (Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture).


Further, selected users from public administrations will present their user experience. Below you will find two examples:     

“LOCAL COPERNICUS DEMONSTRATOR IN BRITTANY” – “Regional Copernicus” by Marie Jagaille, GIS BreTel (Brittany/France);
AGRICULTURE MONITORING USING SENTINEL IMAGES” – by Emilie BERIAUX, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre.




There is a long path before a new technology can be fully adopted by a public administration and integrated within its institutional processes, not less so for space-based solutions (see also ). LRAs may encounter challenges of different nature that prevent the uptake of a technological solution in a public administration. Luckily, they might sometimes also encounter fly-bys that help to accelerate the uptake. Understanding and analysing possibly common root causes can concretely help to design better policies to support the optimal exploitation of the available solutions. Benefits to users can stem over time, as usage is consolidated and more widespread, or following upgrades in the technical solution or more operational usage. Over time, the technical solutions may have evolved, improving in accuracy or efficiency or usability, or taking stock of new datasets available from Copernicus.

This webinar takes stock from the evolution of the Copernicus4regions user stories to reflect upon what are the main factors that concretely support the uptake of Copernicus solutions within European LRAs.


About the Copernicus4regions webinars


In these 5 targeted webinars, representatives of regional administrations, public users, regional stakeholders, politicians, EU representatives, and other interested stakeholders will engage in an online discussion on the dimension of Copernicus for the green and digital transition in Europe. Copernicus users will share their experiences:


how Public Administrations in Europe have successfully incorporated the use of Copernicus into their organisations and workflows;
what are the benefits for their territories and public policies and the outlook to the future;
and eventually why Copernicus is a game-changer in the development of sustainable practices and better public policies.


These 1h webinars will be based on key user domains, such as water quality or forestry, (more information on the attached leaflet).



You can find out more about our initiative and watch the Copernicus users videos at



2021, Copernicus4Regions, Events, Interregional Collaboration, News, Political Dialogue

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