Month: March 2022

OBSERVER: 5 Days Until the Copernicus and the EU Green Deal Workshop!

OBSERVER: 5 Days Until the Copernicus and the EU Green Deal Workshop! motta@spacetec… Fri, 18/03/2022 – 14:49 How is climate change currently affecting Europe’s landscapes and European’s livelihoods? How will this phenomenon continue to be felt in the future? What are the EU’s plans to tackle this existential threat? How is the European Union preparing…
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The best time to invest in space – EUSPA launches info session for fund managers

The best time to invest in space – EUSPA launches info session for fund managers. According to the latest edition of the EUSPA EO and GNSS Market Report, in 2021, the GNSS and Earth Observation downstream market generated over EUR 200 billion in revenue. What’s more, this market is expected to reach nearly half a…
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BroadGNSS Request for Tender now open, deadline is 2 May 2022

BroadGNSS, the Pre-Commercial Procurement action funded by the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), moves into the Request for Tender phase. Launched in December 2020, the EUSPA-funded BroadGNSS  project dedicates EUR 2.1 million for the pre-commercial procurement (PCP) of innovative solutions that use European GNSS (EGNSS) to improve public safety and disaster relief…
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Die Erde aus dem All gewogen

Wenn wir Massen beobachten, wirken sie auf den ersten Blick starr und unbeweglich. Doch das täuscht, denn sie sind ständig in Bewegung: Im Erdinneren verschiebt sich flüssiges Gestein, Wasser verteilt sich in den Ozeanen und auf den Kontinenten in riesigen Mengen um und auch Luftmassen verwirbeln sich ständig. Diese ungleiche Verteilung führt jeweils dazu, dass…
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As of 17 March 2022, all smartphones placed in the European Single Market should be leveraging Galileo signals

As of 17 March 2022, all smartphones placed in the European single market should be leveraging Galileo signals, in addition to other Global Navigation Satellite Systems. The addition of the EU positioning system to enhance the 112-calls location will result in faster response times and consequently, more lives saved. The European 112-emergency number is operational in…
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Investing in GNSS is key to European competitiveness

Through investment opportunities, market intelligence and business support, EUSPA plays an important role in ensuring Europe keeps its competitive position in the fast-growing, global GNSS downstream market.  With an approximate 25% market share, Europe currently enjoys a strong position within the global GNSS downstream market – a market that is forecasted to see revenues reach…
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Mit einem Drohnenschwarm – DLR misst Strömungsphänomene an Windanlagen

Wind ist nicht einfach nur Wind – sondern ein kompliziertes Gebilde aus turbulenten Strukturen, die von der Umgebung beeinflusst werden. Luftwirbel entstehen durch die Landschaft, aber auch an Gebäuden, Straßen oder Windkraftanlagen. Im Projekt ESTABLIS-UAS erforscht das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) genau diese Strömungsphänomene. Dazu steigt ein Drohnenschwarm auf und misst die…
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Der Weg zum Mond führt künftig über Köln

Astronautinnen und Astronauten, die zum Mond fliegen, sollen zukünftig in Köln ausgebildet werden. Auf dem Gelände des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) beginnt in den nächsten Monaten der Aufbau der Test- und Trainingseinrichtung LUNA. News / Raumfahrt Read More

CASSINI Hackathon VOL 3: (Re)Visit Europe with help from the EU Space Programme

The CASSINI Hackathons and Mentoring, initiated by the European Union is a series of six hackathons aimed to tackle global challenges using services and data from the EU Space Programme. In its third edition, this hackathon provides access to European space data and services from Copernicus, Galileo, and EGNOS to help participants take on various…
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EO Africa Online Training #1: Cloud Computing and Algorithms for EO Analyses

1st EO AFRICA R&D Facility Online Course Deadline for applications: March 3, 2022 Introduction to the course: This course introduces participants to Cloud Computing and its usage for Earth Observation (EO) data analysis. It starts with big geospatial data concepts and extends to Cloud Computing as one of the solutions for solving the problems of big…
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