The EU at the Living Planet Symposium 2022 in Bonn

The EU at the Living Planet Symposium 2022 in Bonn

The EU at the Living Planet Symposium 2022 in Bonn

Wed, 25/05/2022 – 12:06

2022 Living Planet Symposium: Alexander Gerst (ESA astronaut) and Lea Albrecht (Deutsche Welle journalist and moderator of the opening ceremony).

The Living Planet Symposium, held every three years, is amongst the leading global events for Earth Observation (EO). The 2022 edition is currently being held at the World Conference Centre in Bonn, Germany, and will run from 23 May to 27 May. The event, conducted in-person, hosts a wealth of EO experts, academics, scientists, representatives from institutional bodies, personnel from the space industry at large, and welcomes 4,700 attendees!

The focus of the 2022 edition of the Living Planet Symposium is highly relevant to the current European priority of tackling climate change through increased knowledge from satellite data and information. This is underlined in the conference’s overarching topic of, ‘Taking the pulse of our planet from space’. Earth Observation data and information products and services help mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, combat environmental crises, and monitor the key climate variables, all of which are essential to bolster our knowledge on the state and health of our fragile planet. As such, the event is centred upon the benefits to be realised from systematic use of EO data and information, particularly in support of key environmental objectives such as the EU’s climate neutrality by 2050.

As the EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, stated, “When my fellow European Commissioners and I took office a bit more than two years ago, we put the European Green Deal as one of our top priorities. It is a far-reaching transformational agenda to address climate change and, because of its holistic approach, the European Green Deal is, and will be, a genuine game changer and Copernicus supports almost all European Green Deal priorities.”

EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton, speaking at the plenary session of the 2022 Living Planet Symposium.

Furthermore, as emphasised by Paraskevi Papantoniou, Head of Unit and Acting Director for Space at DG DEFIS, “The Living Planet Symposium is a core event of the space sector; it has evolved today to an important arena for the Copernicus ecosystem to discuss and to change. The EU flagship, Copernicus, is at the core of the event as the most ambitious and successful Earth Observation programme.”

Paraskevi Papantoniou, Head of Unit and Acting Director for Space in DG DEFIS (DEFIS C.1), addressing the 2022 Living Planet Symposium plenary conference.

Experts and thought leaders at the Living Planet Symposium are discussing the key role played by EO systems in global policymaking, together with the key technological, business, and geopolitical trends characterising this dynamic sector of the space industry. The European Commission, is one of the key actors in the field of Earth Observation through the Copernicus component of the EU Space programme, the ‘gold standard’ of EO systems as stated by EU Commissioner Breton at the symposium. Copernicus is a leading provider of EO data and information, used by service providers, public and private actors, along with international organisations, to unlock socio-economic benefits for both European citizens and global populations. The vast majority of the 16+ terabytes of data produced by Copernicus each day are disseminated and made accessible worldwide under a free, full and open data access policy.

The European Commission is not only present at the Living Planet Symposium, but is actively participating and co-chairing different scientific and agora sessions. The European Commission invites attendees at the conference to interface with representatives of DG DEFIS and visit the stand on the EU Space programme. This is an extraordinary opportunity to learn more about the multitude of industries, sectors, applications, and services currently leveraging or being supported by Copernicus data and information. Further, discussions regarding new opportunities offered by NewSpace and the potential to include Copernicus data in the business plans of commercial companies are also taking centre-stage.

The EU Space stand at the 2022 Living Planet Symposium.

The conference’s focus on Earth Observation does not limit the discussions to Copernicus, as several different facets of EU Space are highly relevant to the Living Planet Symposium. Indeed, wide-ranging discussions will touch upon Galileo and EGNOS, Space Traffic Management and the Secure Connectivity Initiative, as well as advancements in artificial intelligence and their key role in the development of digital twins of Earth. Attendees at the conference will learn of the steps taken by the European Commission, in leading the development of highly accurate digital models of the Earth as part of the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy. Indeed, the Destination Earth (DestinE) initiative, “Will fully benefit from the Copernicus capacity and new digital assets,” as highlighted by Commissioner Breton. DestinE will serve to further bolster our knowledge and understanding of the planet’s environment as well as supporting the EU’s ambitious environmental policies.

The EU Space exhibition area from above.

The Living Planet Symposium provides an excellent platform to meet and interface with different stakeholders from both space and space-adjacent industries, as well as offering opportunities to discuss new ideas and potential collaborations. Any and all interested parties can find the EU Space stand at the symposium and discuss with our representatives the different critical initiatives carried out in the field of Earth Observation under the EU Space programme.

More information can be found on the website of the Living Planet Symposium.

Wed, 25/05/2022 – 12:00

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