Copernicus in social media
Copernicus in social media
Fri, 16/09/2022 – 13:27
Social media is one of the most important communication channels for Copernicus
The awareness footprint of Copernicus has significantly increased this past year. This development in the reach and impact can be traced back to the growth of Copernicus on social media. Indeed, today, Copernicus EU social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) as well as those of the Copernicus Services count 214,657 followers and reached 28.5 million people in 2022 alone.
Why is social media such an efficient communication tool for Copernicus? One of the main reasons for this success is that social media allows for stories to be told in a very succinct visual manner that instantly captures the viewer’s attention. Moreover, these digital platforms enable news on Copernicus to travel and reach a very large audience while capturing the interest of the smart, engaged, tech-savvy youth which not only feels increasingly concerned about climate change and other issues Copernicus helps monitor, but who more than ever before rely solely on social media for their information.
Furthermore, the reach and exposure that Copernicus has garnered on social media allows the general public to understand just how much the EU Space Programme is achieving and present in their daily lives. From monitoring floods to forest fires, climate change, air quality, land surface and marine ecosystems, Copernicus social media accounts directly give people insight on satellite data. Democratising access to such data allows everybody to see the climatological events currently happening on Earth through the eyes of the Copernicus Sentinel satellites or in the information delivered by the six Copernicus services.
Obviously, the resolution and frequent revisit of the Sentinels allows the use of beautiful and insightful imagery to prove the “an image is worth a thousand words” maxim right.
Below, are some examples of the power of Copernicus satellite images and data to showcase and illustrate the trending news on the state of the climate and environment.
One of the Copernicus images most successful on social media, acquired by Sentinel 2 and showing how much Europe seen from space has changed between 1 July and 31 August of 2021(left) and 2022 (right) due to the historic drought.According to Copernicus Marine data, on 28 August, the Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly was about +4°C above the reference value for the period in the Ligurian Sea.
Here are three examples of impactful and successful Copernicus satellite imagery which has been published on Copernicus social media channels:
Left: Beautiful spring view of La Palma captured on 28 April 2022 at 12:03 UTC by our Copernicus Sentinel2-A satellite, in which the scars from the Cumbre Vieja eruption remain very visible.
Centre: Tulip blossom in the Noordoostpolder, Netherlands as seen by Copernicus Sentinel 2 on 2 May.
Right: The activity of Kavachi, a submarine volcano in the south-west Pacific Ocean, as seen by Copernicus Sentinel-2 on 25 April.
Copernicus has become an influencer
Thanks to the images, products and reports covering current events, which are promptly published on social media, Copernicus has become an “influencer”, a point of reference for the general public, the media and the European Commission.
International Institutions (European Commission and other) and Press
In addition to the strong growth in all the quantitative metrics of all Copernicus social media accounts, the quality of the interactions and followers also increased significantly. Several government and EU senior officials, influential organisations and institutions, scientists, journalists, TV, and media representatives have started following the Copernicus EU accounts and many are using Sentinel imagery in their articles or social media posts. For instance, the European Commission Twitter account, which has over one million followers, reused a Copernicus Sentinel-2 image published on Twitter by CopernicusEU to illustrate the severe droughts that Europe is undergoing in the summer of 2022. This contributed to establishing Copernicus social media as a trusted source of news and imagery for major climate-related events.
The above visualisation shows the Copernicus Emergency Management Service’s European Drought Obsezrvatory Combined Drought Indicator values during the first decade of August 2022. According to this data, 47 per cent of the European territory is in “Warning” conditions (+2% respect to the first tent days of July), while 17 per cent of in “Alert” conditions (+4% respect to the first tent days of July).
Another example of CopernicusEU becoming a thought leader and a reference point on social media by bringing forth news about natural disasters is the coverage it provided of the volcanic eruption that devastated the Tonga archipelago. The first Copernicus Sentinel satellite image acquired after the eruption was published on all the Copernicus EU social media channels only ~15 hours after the event on 16 January 2022. Among the most significant interactions on Facebook and Instagram: the official accounts of the European Space Agency and EUMETSAT, the National Geographic Institute of Spain republished the CopernicusEU post on the Tonga eruption, as well as many top notch media outlets such as Reuters, The Times (UK), El Pais (Spain) or La Repubblica (Italy). Finally, the image was also used by BBC News in their article ‘Why satellites are key to understanding Pacific volcano’, promoted on their official media Twitter account. The article explained the key role of satellites for observing the Earth and notably monitoring Pacific volcanos and was illustrated with a tweet from Copernicus twitter account showing a comparison of images taken before and 12 hours after the eruption by a Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite. EU Commissioner Janez Lenarčič, who is in charge of Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, also used a Copernicus image to publicise the availability of the EU to provide assistance to the Tonga authorities.
The extreme weather conditions experienced in different regions in Europe this summer have triggered requests (data, satellite imagery, interviews etc) from multiple press agencies and media outlets. Widely seen Copernicus content such as the below tweets from August 2022 showing the temperature peaks of the sea surface in the Arctic region and the wildfire that broke out near Landiras, France were among the posts that caught the attention of reporters all over Europe.
Requests were received by the Copernicus Support Office from press agencies and media from all over Europe and beyond including The Times, BBC News & BBC World (UK), Agence France Presse and France 2 TV (France), CNN Business and Good Morning America (US), La Repubblica (IT), Azul (PT) etc. The requests varied from on-demand high-resolution satellite imagery to interviews regarding carbon emissions linked to wildfires and fact checking by journalists. The tendency for journalists to scout for non-mainstream information and visuals on social media has indeed enabled to vastly enlarge the reach and impact of Copernicus in the EU and beyond.
General public
Copernicus social media’s visibility with the general public has skyrocketed during the summer of 2022. The temperature records and the wildfire crisis in Europe have amplified the interest from the public at large to look into Earth Observation images, animations, and social media posts to better understand the climate situation directly affecting them. Some of the tweets from the CopernicusEU account have therefore reached several hundred thousand people. As the general public’s awareness of climate change increases alongside the frequency of related disasters, the need for a reliable and accessible source of information to understand the ongoing climate situation will become more and more critical. Copernicus’ presence on social media is contributing to bridge the gap between technical Earth Observation data and the need of the public to easily browse through accurate and understandable information about the situation on Earth.
Copernicus is not just the EO component of the EU Space Programme. It is also ‘people’
Social media not only serves to inform the general public but also to interact with people. Copernicus social media has implemented several campaigns to interact with their followers and subscribers. Some of them were very positively received by the community and generated significant engagement among the public. For instance, the Copernicus #HolidayMagic campaign that took place over December and January was dedicated to the wider Copernicus EU community and Twitter followers to show the beauty of cities around the world as captured by the Sentinel-2 satellites. Commentators received a high definition Sentinel image of their chosen city as a “Christmas present” from #CopernicusSanta. In addition, the Copernicus for COP26 campaign, launched to highlight how Copernicus data, information, and services help to mitigate climate change threats, was also widely followed. All in all, this shows how Copernicus social media have become a relevant, unique and reliable source of information for accessing, understanding and outreaching the many benefits of the Sentinel open data and service information products.
Becoming one of the faces of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service in the media
The Entrusted Entities which are operating the Copernicus Services are also contributing to the preaching of the Copernicus gospel on social media and in the press.
For example, Mark Parrington, an ECMWF senior scientist working at the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), has taken on an active role in presenting the data and information produced by CAMS to the public and the media. He has since elevated his high profile in the science community and in the media. Introducing data and charts on dust storms, air quality issues and wildfire-related emissions, Marc’s work has gained the respect and interest of journalists worldwide. Posting about CAMS work on social media, he is regularly contacted to participate in TV programmes with BBC News, BBC World and Euronews. In addition, Mark regularly features in radio programmes, podcasts and top print media, from the Washington Post to Britain’s The Guardian and Germany’s Der Spiegel.
Posted on its prominent social media platforms, Copernicus satellite imagery, data and information has enabled policy makers, students, scientists and journalists to more democratically access information about the Earth and its current state. The consistent publishing of quality and relevant content has elevated Copernicus social media to the status of an “influencer”. More than simply reporting data, Copernicus social media has become a trusted source of news and imagery for press agencies and media all over the world on issues related to major climate-related events.
You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube where we are regularly posting the latest Copernicus information.
You can also register (here) to receive our daily Copernicus Image of the Day directly into your mailbox.
Fri, 16/09/2022 – 12:00