Category: EU News

Search and Rescue Exercise in Cyprus highlights the role of the EU Space Programme in maritime operations

EUSPA, together with Eurisy, recently co-organised a workshop on Satellite-based Services for Disaster Risk Management. Held in Nicosia, Cyprus, the workshop brought together national and regional stakeholders to discuss how satellite-based services can support disaster risk management and search and rescue operations. The workshop was hosted by Cyprus, in cooperation with the Department of Electronic…
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First ever SatCom Downstream Days a success

Satellite Communications (SatCom) play an essential role in ensuring continuity in a wide range of governmental missions, supporting the operations of key infrastructure as well as being an essential tool for the Crisis management and Surveillance missions– especially when terrestrial networks are not available or are not sufficiently secure. That’s why, in today’s volatile geopolitical…
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Safeguarding space infrastructure

Space traffic is a pressing issue. With over 20.000 satellites expected to be launched in the next decade, various orbits are becoming increasingly congested. The situation is especially pronounced in Low Earth Orbit (LEO).   The abundance of satellites is not only responsible for “an unprecedented space traffic jam”.  It is also the cause of a…
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Happy Europe Day!

Today, the EU and its citizens celebrate the signing of the Schuman Declaration, the historic agreement that laid the foundation for a united Europe and planted the seeds to what would evolve into the European Union.  A lot has been achieved in the seven decades since the declaration was signed on 9 May 1950. For…
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New Galileo Sensor Station up and running in South Pacific!

To make the best use of the Galileo services, users rely on much more than the satellites orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 23.000km. Dedicated facilities such as the Galileo Control Centres (GCCs), sensor and uplink stations are some of the most important components that make up the so-called ‘’Galileo Ground Segment’’ the role…
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Another year of climate extremes for Europe

According to the latest edition of the European State of the Climate Report (ESOTC), 2022 was yet another year of extremes. Not only did Europe see its hottest summer ever recorded, with temperatures reaching 1.4°C above average, much of Europe experienced prolonged and intense heatwaves.  Europe’s lakes and seas also saw increasing surface temperatures. While…
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Repowering the EU from space

The EU’s energy dependence is becoming more complicated over the last months, so the EU has no choice but to look for new means of securing its energy supply. But energy independence shouldn’t come at the cost of the climate. Which is why any decision relating to energy security must be aligned with meeting the…
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EU Space at the heart of the EU Maritime Security Strategy

Home to over 300 of the world’s main seaports and nearly 30% of the global merchant fleet, maritime transportation plays a big role in the European economy. In particular, the EU controls c.a. 30% of the world merchant fleet. That’s why the EU goes to great lengths to ensure its security. The EU Maritime Security…
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Earth Day 2023: Uncovering Europe’s much needed critical raw materials from space

What do semiconductor chips, electric vehicles, solar panels, heat pumps, wind turbines and clean energy technologies have in common? They all depend on having ready access to critical raw materials like lithium. “Raw materials are the essential ingredient to achieving our ambitious climate targets,” says EU Commissioner for the Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton. “Without…
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Fundamental Elements Industry Days Workshop: Developing cutting-edge devices for emergency response

From funding to market intelligence, EUSPA supports the EU Space industry through the entire innovation cycle. Fundamental Elements has been a key tool in the uptake of the European GNSS Galileo. Fundamental Elements is an R&D funding mechanism designed to support the development of innovative chipset, antenna and receiver technologies. In doing so, the programme…
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