Category: EU News

Countdown to a New Year of EU Space

With new satellites in orbit, payload launches, system upgrades, and more opportunities for EO and GNSS users, “EUSPA can proudly look back at key achievements in 2022  in all its domains of activities: satellite-based service provision, security, and uptake of space data and services” declared EUSPA Executive Director, Rodrigo da Costa.  Join us as we…
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EU Space key to enabling a harmonised drone ecosystem

From inspecting powerlines and construction sites to delivering packages and even blood samples and vaccines, drones are already being used for a wide-range of applications. With major technology and transportation companies now testing various Innovative Air Mobility (IAM) use cases, we could see drones transporting cargo from Point A to Point B more often and…
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Follow-up: Space 4 Critical Infrastructure webinar on Wastewater and drinking water on 24th November 2022

NEREUS and Eurisy organize the series “Space 4 Critical Infrastructures” focused on eleven sectors identified in the proposed EU Directive on the resilience of critical entities. Climate change results in increasingly frequent water scarcity and drought. The protection of water resources is one of the cornerstones of Europe’s environmental policy. The European space data stream…
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OBSERVER: Copernicus for Health – Combating diseases through satellite data

OBSERVER: Copernicus for Health – Combating diseases through satellite data frederic.collo… Mon, 12/12/2022 – 17:57 The potential use of Earth Observation (EO) data for healthcare has long been recognised by several actors. Analysing geospatial characteristics such as air and water quality, temperature and disease vectors can significantly enhance our understanding of both dynamic ecosystem processes…
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OBSERVER: The Copernicus Contributing Missions – Creating opportunities for the European EO market

OBSERVER: The Copernicus Contributing Missions – Creating opportunities for the European EO market frederic.collo… Mon, 12/12/2022 – 17:44 Copernicus is a perfect example of true European collaboration. The European Union created the largest, most ambitious and most successful Earth Observation programme in the world, which provides benefits not only to Europe but to everyone on…
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On the 8th February, 10.00-11.00 (Brussels time), NEREUS organises a webinar on sustainable tourism. This 2nd session focuses on the needs, challenges and tools of regional administrations/agencies responsible for tourism promotion. It will provide a forum to debate on how to facilitate interaction, networking, and the development of space applications among public and private users…
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How EU Space helps protect – even restore – Europe’s forests

Forests are a resource that keeps on giving. Not only do they provide shade on a hot sunny day, they’re home to a wide range of flora and fauna. Trees are also a crucial raw material for a number of the products that we use every day, such as the packages made by the pulp…
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Space for business programme: New Space economy in Europe webinar on 20 December at 19:00 CET

Are you and your organization ready for the New Space revolution? Join the number one business programme for the New Space economy in Europe Webinar 20 December at 19:00 CET   “Space for Business” is an 8-month business programme for professionals, managers and entrepreneurs working in the space industry, and for anyone who wishes to…
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OBSERVER: Saving lives and helping the most vulnerable: How Copernicus supports humanitarian assistance?

OBSERVER: Saving lives and helping the most vulnerable: How Copernicus supports humanitarian assistance? nee@spacetec.p… Thu, 08/12/2022 – 11:34 A humanitarian crisis can be defined as an event or a combination of events representing a threat to the health, security or safety of a large group of people spread over a sizeable area. Humanitarian crises can…
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Follow-up: Education and training in the space sector: new trends, partnerships, and opportunities III

NEREUS organised on the  7th December 10.00-11.00 (Brussels time), the 3rd webinar with the objective to bring together the university community and partners of the network interested in education/training, capacity-building, and skills development, create new opportunities for partnerships and setting the frame for new ways of cooperation within and outside NEREUS.     (presentations can…
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