Category: EU News

EUSPA is looking for Galileo Engineering Support

EUSPA published a procurement on “Engineering Services” for the Galileo Programme. To encourage the widest participation possible, the agency is organizing an industry day to present all the procurement details on 13 May 2022 at 16:00. The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) is playing a key role in the Galileo Programme, the…
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OBSERVER: CLMS monitors the heartbeat of our vegetation

OBSERVER: CLMS monitors the heartbeat of our vegetation motta@spacetec… Thu, 05/05/2022 – 10:58 Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) data plays an important role in the monitoring and management of land and ecosystems. This makes it is an important component to contribute to the restoration goals of the European Green Deal and to the EU digital…
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Another step for EU’s positioning system: Nikolina joins the Galileo family!

After a challenging Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) and Testing campaign during the pandemic times, Galileo satellite “Nikolina” (GSAT0223) is entering service provision as of today. The satellite will reinforce the performance and robustness of the EU’s satellite-based positioning system. GSAT0223 was brought into space on 05/12/2021 with Galileo launch L11 after the usual…
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Deutscher Umweltsatellit EnMAP sendet erste Bilder

Seit ihrem Start am 1. April 2022 ist die deutsche Umweltsatellitenmission EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program), die von der Deutschen Raumfahrtagentur im Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Bonn im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) geführt wird, gut einen Monat im All und hat jetzt die ersten hochaufgelösten Satellitenbilder…
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Partnering to promote sustainable fisheries and aquafarms

A new Memorandum of Understanding aims to better leverage Galileo and Copernicus to further the goals of the Common Fisheries Policy and the EU’s Green Deal. Today, the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA), the EU agency responsible for coordinating national operational activities in fisheries and…
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Space 4 Critical Infrastructures on 24 May 2022,10.00-11.00 CEST: Putting the EC proposal into action

This third session of Space 4 Critical Infrastructure invites the European Commission to share opportunities and views for the green and digital transition in the construction sector. Two examples will then be given of cooperative projects in the sector of infrastructure. One national project related to the use of satellite technology for monitoring the stability…
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Follow-up: Reflecting on the collapse of the Morandi bridge on the 26th of April

The second webinar on “Space 4 Critical Infrastructures” organised on the 26th of April shed light on what can be considered as critical infrastructure and on specific satellite-based technologies currently used by the competent bodies dealing with monitoring and maintenance. The collapse of the Morandi bridge opened a European wide reflection on how to modernise…
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Staffelübergabe im All

Erstmals seit 2011 sind zwei ESA-Astronauten ein paar Tage zeitgleich auf der Internationalen Raumstation ISS: Der Deutsche Matthias Maurer, dessen erste ISS-Mission Cosmic Kiss in den nächsten Tagen zu Ende geht, und die Italienerin Samantha Cristoforetti, die seit dem 28. April 2022 mit “Minerva” zum zweiten Mal auf der Raumstation lebt und arbeitet. News /…
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EU Space Week 2022: Addressing user needs through #EUSpace

EU Space Week, the go-to event of for Europe’s space community, is happening 3 – 6 October 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic. After two years of online-only editions, EU Space Week 2022 is set to bring together the entire European Union space community. From policymakers to industry, start-ups, public authorities, investors and users, EU Space Week…
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Die “fliegende Sternwarte” SOFIA beendet nach acht Jahren ihre Mission

Die US-Raumfahrtbehörde NASA und die Deutsche Raumfahrtagentur im DLR haben gemeinsam beschlossen, den Flugbetrieb von SOFIA (Stratosphären Observatorium für Infrarot Astronomie) im September 2022 einzustellen. “Diese Entscheidung beruht auf einer Empfehlung des `Decadal Survey‘ der National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, in der die Prioritäten für die langfristige Ausrichtung der astronomischen Forschung in den…
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