Category: EU News

Matthias Maurer testet Beton auf der Internationalen Raumstation ISS

Wie verhält sich frisch gegossener Beton in der Schwerelosigkeit? Und wie kann dies zum Umweltschutz auf der Erde beitragen? Der deutsche ESA-Astronaut Matthias Maurer hat Anfang Februar 2022 auf der Internationalen Raumstation ISS Antworten auf diese Fragen gesucht. News / Raumfahrt Read More

Galileo SAR delivers best performance since declared operational in December 2016

The Galileo SAR reached new heights with a record-breaking location accuracy performance of 98.12% below 2km. The EU constellation is the biggest contributor to the Cospas-Sarsat MEOSAR system.  The Galileo Search and Rescue Service (SAR) was launched on 15 December 2016 to provide aid to people in distress or imminent danger. The Galileo SAR service…
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Schwerelose Plattentiere – Wie beeinflusst Gravitation genetische Informationen

Normalerweise mögen es Plattentiere schon etwas wärmer. Für die Wissenschaft hat es das einfachste mehrzellige Tier der Welt nach Nordschweden verschlagen – und von dort aus für kurze Zeit in die Schwerelosigkeit. An Bord der Höhenforschungsrakete MAPHEUS-9 des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) hoben die Meeresorganismen am 29. Januar 2022 erfolgreich vom Raketenstartplatz…
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Biopflaster aus dem 3D-Drucker

Menschliche Zellen aus dem 3D-Drucker, mit der Hautwunden wie mit einem Heftpflaster abgedeckt werden können – das ist das langfristige Ziel des Experiments Bioprint FirstAid. Im Rahmen der Mission “Cosmic Kiss” hat der deutsche ESA-Astronaut Matthias Maurer die Versuchsreihe nun auf der Internationalen Raumstation ISS durchgeführt. Das mobile Handgerät soll die Wundversorgung auf Weltraummissionen, aber…
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Save the date: EO4GEO Final Conference

The EO4GEO Final Conference, organized by the EO4GEO Alliance, will be held in Brussels and online on the 17-18 May 2022. More information will come soon.   2022, EO4GEO, Events, News Events – NEREUS | NEREUS Read More

OBSERVER: Copernicus Marine 2021 product release: upgrades across the Blue & White Ocean products

OBSERVER: Copernicus Marine 2021 product release: upgrades across the Blue & White Ocean products knight@spacete… Thu, 27/01/2022 – 11:38 Monitoring the health of the Blue (physical), White (sea ice) and Green (biogeochemical) Ocean on a global and regional scale is essential for our understanding of the global climate system’s state at any given time. For…
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The EUSPA EO and GNSS Market Report is out! Did you get your copy?

To help you better appreciate and reap the full benefits of space technology, EUSPA experts compiled the “EUSPA EO and GNSS Market Report“.  The 216-page long release is the ultimate guide to anyone who seeks to make the EU Space technologies part of their business plan, develop new space downstream applications and see a tangible…
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EUSPA to further boost space investments with CASSINI

The European Commission, the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), the European Space Agency (ESA), and the European Investment Fund (EIF) committed to multiplying the benefits of space technology to businesses. This initiative implies attracting more private investment funds, running capacity building activities, sharing expertise, organizing matchmaking, and promoting the markets. CASSINI is central…
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Info-session on EU-Global Action Initiative on Thursday 3 February (12:45 PM – 1:30 PM CET)

NEREUS organises a dedicated Info-Session focused on the Global Action on Space initiative (link) on Thursday 3 February (12:45 PM – 1:30 PM CET). Registration is mandatory (link). This initiative very relevant for the space enterprises, clusters, networks and aerospace districts in its network. Key experts, Mr. Andreas Becker, Team Leader and Ms. Tamara Naydenova,…
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Galileo satellites 27-28 reach final orbit; initiate testing phase

The Payload In Orbit Testing activities is the last stage of the Early Operations Phase. It will enable the Galileo satellites 27-28 to enter service provision and their signals to become available to end-users down on Earth. 2022 is the year of delivery for EUSPA and the EU Space Programme. Launched earlier in December from…
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