Category: EU News

Galileo Open Service Definition Document version 1.2 now available for download

The “Galileo – Open Service – Service Definition Document” (Galileo OS SDD) defines the Minimum Performance Levels (MPLs) of the Galileo Open Service (OS). Find out what billions of users of Galileo can expect.  The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) together with the European Commission announce the publication of the latest version…
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5 Years of Galileo Services

On December 15th 2016 the Galileo Services were declared operational, marking a cornerstone in the field of satellite navigation for European citizens and worldwide. Since then, the EU Agency for the Space Programme has endeavored to increase the robustness of the system and services, enhance market adoption and offer new services to its users. From…
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EU space initiative to open up new opportunities for General Aviation across the Union

EUSPA launched a new initiative called “EUSPA Network of pilot projects” to facilitate the implementation of EGNOS-based procedures to non-instrument runways for general aviation and validate the safety assessment guidelines, published earlier in November. Since its certification for use in civil aviation in 2011, EGNOS has become an important aid in the European aviation sector,…
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EGNOS market share to accelerate across rail, maritime and aviation domains

The 10th edition of the EGNOS Workshop brought together nearly 500 users of the European Satellite-Based augmentation service (SBAS), EGNOS, to appreciate how they are taking the best out of this component of the EU Space Programme. The EGNOS Workshop is an opportunity to connect with Europe’s SBAS users, catch up on the GNSS latest…
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GEARS project ready to enter the Critical Infrastructure market

EUSPA-funded ‘’GEARS’’ set to conclude at the end of December developed a super accurate and highly robust Galileo-enabled receiver to provide time and frequency data for critical infrastructures. Join our webinar on 16th December 2021 for all the details! GNSS Timing capability is at the core of Critical Infrastructures (CI). The GNSS CI market is…
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EGNOS: an evolving satellite navigation system that anticipates user needs

The EGNOS Workshop is the opportunity to learn about the evolution of EGNOS services and connect with Europe’s Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) users.  Organised by the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and the EGNOS Service Provider (ESSP), the EGNOS Annual Workshop provided nearly 500 participants first-hand information on the status and roadmap…
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Let’s shape the future of EU satnav together!

The EU Agency for the Space Programme, EUSPA, has launched the 2021 Galileo and EGNOS User Satisfaction Surveys. Having your feedback is crucial to the evolution of the satnav components of the EU Space Programme. The Galileo and EGNOS User Satisfaction Surveys are addressing all users and market segments including: Aviation, Maritime, Rail, Road, Consumer…
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After the successful launch of 2 new Galileo satellites, the satellites operations are now ongoing

The Galileo satellites 27 and 28 were successfully launched on-board of a Soyuz carrier earlier on December 4 at 21:19, Kourou time – or on December 5 at 01:19 CET from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guyana.  Earlier today, the 46m tall Soyuz launcher VS-26, successfully lifted off from Kourou, French Guyana, for a nearly four-hour…
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It’s the final countdown for #myEUspace! Ready to submit?

We have many countdowns to look forward to this week, the first being the Galileo Launch 11 taking place 24 hours just before the #myEUSpace deadline! To help you put a final touch on your projects/ideas, here are the nuts and bolts of the “Space my Life” and “Dive in Quantum” challenges. The “Space my…
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EUSPA makes first appearance at General Assembly of the Copernicus networks

The 5th General Assembly of the Copernicus Academy and Relays Networks, organized by the European Commission, was the opportunity to reflect on the 2021 Earth Observation milestones and build the future of the Copernicus networks together. The EU Agency for the Space Programme was present for the first time to present its new mission and…
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