Category: Events

EGNOS latest payload becomes operational ahead of V3 Service

Launched onboard EUTELSAT’s Hotbird 13G satellite in November 2022 from Cape Canaveral, the EGNOS payload is ready to transmit the first EGNOS V3 test signals, as of Thursday, 1 June 2023. Placed in a geostationary orbit some 35,000 km away from the Earth, the payload underwent a rigorous testing phase before entering service. It is…
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How EU Space supports Europe’s environmental policies

A famous frog once sang, ‘it’s not easy being green’.  Clearly, he didn’t know about EU Space.  “With the wealth of data, services and information that the EU Space Programme provides, ‘being green’ has become a whole lot easier,” says EUSPA Executive Director Rodrigo da Costa. As Europe prepares to celebrate EU Green Week from…
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New site in Greenland to enhance Galileo SAR

On May 17, 2023, the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and Naviair, signed a cooperation agreement aimed at strengthening the monitoring capabilities of the Galileo Search and Rescue (SAR) Service by establishing a new site in Greenland. This collaboration marks a significant step towards ensuring the redundancy, of the SAR/Galileo system and…
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And the winners for ‘Best Prototype’ are…

#myEUspace, EUSPA’s signature competition, developed under the CASSINI Entrepreneurship Initiative, challenges innovators to develop game-changing solutions that leverage EU Space data from Galileo, Europe’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and/or Copernicus, the European Earth Observation programme.  This year’s competition is unique in that it is divided into three different prize tracks (Ideas, Prototypes and Commercial…
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Join us for the first Galileo HAS Days!

Scheduled for 28-29 June 2023, this event is an opportunity for the Galileo HAS user community, industry stakeholders, application developers and international experts to know more about the Galileo HAS Service (in operation since January 2023). In addition, it will be a great opportunity for all attendees to come together to discuss and share their…
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Search and Rescue Exercise in Cyprus highlights the role of the EU Space Programme in maritime operations

EUSPA, together with Eurisy, recently co-organised a workshop on Satellite-based Services for Disaster Risk Management. Held in Nicosia, Cyprus, the workshop brought together national and regional stakeholders to discuss how satellite-based services can support disaster risk management and search and rescue operations. The workshop was hosted by Cyprus, in cooperation with the Department of Electronic…
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First ever SatCom Downstream Days a success

Satellite Communications (SatCom) play an essential role in ensuring continuity in a wide range of governmental missions, supporting the operations of key infrastructure as well as being an essential tool for the Crisis management and Surveillance missions– especially when terrestrial networks are not available or are not sufficiently secure. That’s why, in today’s volatile geopolitical…
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Safeguarding space infrastructure

Space traffic is a pressing issue. With over 20.000 satellites expected to be launched in the next decade, various orbits are becoming increasingly congested. The situation is especially pronounced in Low Earth Orbit (LEO).   The abundance of satellites is not only responsible for “an unprecedented space traffic jam”.  It is also the cause of a…
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Happy Europe Day!

Today, the EU and its citizens celebrate the signing of the Schuman Declaration, the historic agreement that laid the foundation for a united Europe and planted the seeds to what would evolve into the European Union.  A lot has been achieved in the seven decades since the declaration was signed on 9 May 1950. For…
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New Galileo Sensor Station up and running in South Pacific!

To make the best use of the Galileo services, users rely on much more than the satellites orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 23.000km. Dedicated facilities such as the Galileo Control Centres (GCCs), sensor and uplink stations are some of the most important components that make up the so-called ‘’Galileo Ground Segment’’ the role…
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