Category: Events

Invitation to CASSINI Matchmaking Kick-off Event on 8 April 2022

Space startup, scaleup or SME working with innovative technology can now join the CASSINI Matchmaking virtual kick-off event on 8 April 2022! You can register here:   The launch event will walk you through the matchmaking initiative and show how participating in the programme can kickstart your business.   Whether you are looking for an…
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Space-based solutions set to address some of today’s most pressing challenges

Having received 50 proposals, the first Horizon Europe call is set to turn space technologies like Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus into innovative applications and solutions. The results of the first Horizon Europe call are in, with the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), who manages the call, receiving 50 proposals. While the proposals…
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12 April 2022: Introducing the EU Space Programme: Exploring the benefits of EU space data for the Gulf

This webinar will provide an introduction to the EU Space programme and showcase the various uses of EU Space data that could benefit the Gulf region, such as: land use and land-use conversion (e.g., agriculture and urbanisation), resource management, emergency response, transport, and security. It will also further explore economic benefits and market potential of…
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NEREUS Regional Symbosium in REDU on the 2nd of June 2022!

NEREUS organises the Regional Symbosium in REDU on the 2nd of June 2022 (11.00-17.15 CEST) and it will be followed by a networking event at the Polish Embassy. The attendance for both events is on invitation only. The draft agenda is attached.   The objective of the visit at REDU premises would be to showcase…
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Save the date: EUSpace4Ukraine humanitarian help webinar on 12 April

EUSPA to mobilise the EU Space innovation community and provide solutions to enhance humanitarian support to those fleeing the war. The European Union, its Member States, and Europeans across the continent have joined efforts to support people fleeing the devastating war. EUSPA is mobilizing the EU Space innovation community who can provide solutions to enhance humanitarian…
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Space 4 Critical Infrastructures on 26 April 2022,10.00-11.00 CEST: Reflecting on the collapse of the Morandi bridge

The focus of this second session of the introductory part on “Space 4 Critical Infrastructures” is on the definition of critical entities. It will shed light on what exactly is considered as critical infrastructure and on the competent bodies. Based on experiences from the collapse of the Morandi bridge, concrete measures and practices will be…
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43 innovative space-based solutions shortlisted in the #myEUspace competition

With over EUR 1 million in prize money on the line, #myEUspace is one of the biggest competitions ever organised by EUSPA.  The #myEUspace competition supports the development of innovative commercial applications that leverage data coming from the EU Space Programme. To get there, it’s put over EUR 1 million in prize money on the…
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Deadline for Galileo Reference Centre procurement approaching

Located in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, the Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) is a cornerstone of the Galileo service provision. From Initial Services to full operational capability and beyond, it provides EUSPA with an independent service facility to evaluate the quality of the signals in space and the overall performance of the different Galileo services. In doing…
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The world has a water problem, and space may have a solution

The world has a water problem. At present, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) there are 785 million people who lack access to clean water – that’s one in every 10 people on the planet. But the problem goes well beyond the water we drink; it also affects the food we eat. For example,…
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3rd CASSINI Hackathon: (Re)Visit Europe

The third edition of the CASSINI hackathon will take place on 12-14 May across 10 different locations in Europe ( ! The theme of this hackathon is (Re)Visit Europe with 3 main challenges:   Creating sustainable destinations Experiencing lesser-known cities and cultures Exploring nature with care   The initiative challenges participants to use geospatial information…
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