Category: Events

EGNOS: an evolving satellite navigation system that anticipates user needs

The EGNOS Workshop is the opportunity to learn about the evolution of EGNOS services and connect with Europe’s Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) users.  Organised by the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and the EGNOS Service Provider (ESSP), the EGNOS Annual Workshop provided nearly 500 participants first-hand information on the status and roadmap…
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Let’s shape the future of EU satnav together!

The EU Agency for the Space Programme, EUSPA, has launched the 2021 Galileo and EGNOS User Satisfaction Surveys. Having your feedback is crucial to the evolution of the satnav components of the EU Space Programme. The Galileo and EGNOS User Satisfaction Surveys are addressing all users and market segments including: Aviation, Maritime, Rail, Road, Consumer…
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After the successful launch of 2 new Galileo satellites, the satellites operations are now ongoing

The Galileo satellites 27 and 28 were successfully launched on-board of a Soyuz carrier earlier on December 4 at 21:19, Kourou time – or on December 5 at 01:19 CET from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guyana.  Earlier today, the 46m tall Soyuz launcher VS-26, successfully lifted off from Kourou, French Guyana, for a nearly four-hour…
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It’s the final countdown for #myEUspace! Ready to submit?

We have many countdowns to look forward to this week, the first being the Galileo Launch 11 taking place 24 hours just before the #myEUSpace deadline! To help you put a final touch on your projects/ideas, here are the nuts and bolts of the “Space my Life” and “Dive in Quantum” challenges. The “Space my…
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EUSPA makes first appearance at General Assembly of the Copernicus networks

The 5th General Assembly of the Copernicus Academy and Relays Networks, organized by the European Commission, was the opportunity to reflect on the 2021 Earth Observation milestones and build the future of the Copernicus networks together. The EU Agency for the Space Programme was present for the first time to present its new mission and…
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From Neon to Nebulas: Sound, Space and Students Come Together in Rare Public Opening of NSC

24 NOVEMBER 2021 — An out of this world exhibition, complete with a digital space launch, is due to take place at the National Space Centre (NSC) from 3 through 5 December. The secure facility outside Midleton is normally closed to be public, but will be hosting the launch as part of an art exhibit addressing the challenging issue of space waste. A limited number of tours…
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EUSPA launches Research and Innovation (R&I) consultation on downstream applications

The EU Agency for the Space Programme, EUSPA, is gathering input from industry and academia to define new funding priorities in view of Horizon Europe. Building on the EGNSS R&I momentum gained through Horizon 2020, and to include Copernicus and GOVSATCOM, EUSPA launched today a survey to collect feedback from the industry and academia, in…
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Registration is open: Copernicus4regions webinar on innovating public policies on Thursday 9 December at 10.00-11.00 am

The Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies (NEREUS) in tandem with the European Commission and the European Space Agency is pleased to invite you to the Copernicus4regions webinar: How Copernicus helps Europe’s regions to innovate public administrations and the delivery of public policies.   You are strongly encouraged to register here (link)!   There will…
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EUSPA and EASA join hands to bring instrument flying to general aviation with EGNOS

Small EU aerodromes and airfields used for recreational aviation can rely on EGNOS to become safer and more accessible. EUSPA, EASA, and the aviation industry joint effort yielded a second publication offering Safety Assessment Guidelines to General Aviation operators. General Aviation encompasses a wide range of aerial activities from private and recreational aviation to flight…
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Follow-up of the Copernicus4regions webinar on natural disasters

On the 18th November 2021, NEREUS together with the European Commission and the European Space Agency organised the 4rth Copernicus4regions webinar: “How Copernicus supports Europe’s regions to improve prevention and preparedness to natural disasters” as part of a series of 5 online events. The objective of the webinar was to engage in a debate on the dimension…
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