Month: September 2021

Create and Apply the Right Color Palette in Adobe Photoshop for your Map Visualization (Part 3 of 3)NASA Earth Observations (NEO)on October 28, 2020 at 12:50 pm

We have added the NEO color table to a grayscale image, learned how to accommodate the color blind easily with our maps, and now we are ready to build custom color palettes. Adobe has an online color wheel that is helpful to use when surfing through different colors. If you are unsure what colors to…
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View NEO Imagery on a SphereNASA Earth Observations (NEO)on November 23, 2020 at 10:12 pm

There are several companies and organizations that provide spherical projector technology, but the first one I had ever heard of was Science on a Sphere (SOS) created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Originally envisioned in 1995 by Dr. Alexander “Sandy” MacDonald and later patented in 2005, these Science on a Spheres (and…
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Raster and Floating Point GeoTIFFs: What is the difference?NASA Earth Observations (NEO)on December 23, 2020 at 10:59 pm

When you are considering which format to download for a NEO image, there are two GeoTIFF format options: GeoTIFF (raster) and GeoTIFF (floating point). This can be confusing at first. Let’s take a look at both examples using the Chlorophyll Concentration dataset to distinguish the two formats. Here is a screenshot showing the Downloads box…
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How to add NEO layers to your map using the NEO Web Mapping Service (WMS)NASA Earth Observations (NEO)on February 8, 2021 at 11:47 pm

A Little Background Information on WMS The Web Mapping Service (WMS) protocol has been around since 1999 and gives users the capability to access georeferenced maps via machine-to-machine contact. This means you can connect to a WMS server from a software of your choice that has WMS capabilities and load all or some of the…
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How To Add Country Labels to Your NEO ImageNASA Earth Observations (NEO)on April 19, 2021 at 3:09 pm

We recently received an email about adding country labels to a NEO image to better understand where certain data points are in the world. Here is one way to add labels to any NEO image in QGIS. QGIS is a free and open-source Geographic Information System. If you do not have QGIS on your machine,…
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– Space Bird Watch System ARTES Programme:  Business Applications Activity:  Demonstration Project Thematic Areas:  Environment, Wildlife and Natural Resources Space Assets:  Satellite Navigation Earth Observation In the era of access to huge data resources, advanced analysis and data-to-information processing are essential in the decision-making process. SBWS in the form of friendly web portal, provides advanced…
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Digital Engineer

– Digital Engineer – Multiplying Human Potential and Innovation ARTES Programme:  Business Applications Activity:  Demonstration Project Thematic Areas:  Education & Training Space Assets:  Satellite Communications The Digital Engineer provides engineering learners with AI-assisted teaching, and engineering expert knowledge base. Its main advantages are time efficiency, flexibility, user friendliness and remote learning. The Digital Engineer offers…
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OBSERVER: Improving our understanding of the changing ocean and marine ecosystems

OBSERVER: Improving our understanding of the changing ocean and marine ecosystemsAnnekatrien Debien Thu, 23/09/2021 – 13:36 Drawing from the Copernicus Marine Service Ocean Monitoring Indicators, the 5th edition of the Ocean State Report Summary provides a comprehensive, science-based and state-of-the-art assessment on the current state, natural variations and ongoing changes in the global ocean and…
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Follow-up Copernicus4regions webinar “How Copernicus helps European regions to better preserve and grow Europe’s forests”

Today, 23rd September 2021, NEREUS together with the European Commission and the European Space Agency kicked-off the first Copernicus4regions webinar: How Copernicus helps European regions to better preserve and grow Europe’s forests as part of a series of 5 online events. The objective of the webinar was to engage in a debate on the dimension of Copernicus for…
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EROS, Landsat 9 Ground System Ready for Launch

The encapsulated payload stack with Landsat 9 is transported from the Integrated Processing Facility (IPF) to Space Launch Complex (SLC)-3 for hoisting aboard the Atlas V. Photo by United Launch Alliance. It’s well-known that NASA leads the development and launch of each Landsat satellite, and that USGS builds and manages the ground system and operates…
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