Month: November 2023

Registrations are open for IEOS 23

Register here to attend IEOS23- remember its Free! Uncategorized Earth Observation & Remote Sensing Research in IrelandRead More

ADS Members Christmas Reception 2023: Sponsored by

We are delighted to launch our ever popular Members Christmas networking reception hosted at our London office. This informal drinks reception has become a highlight of the festive calendar for both ADS and industry colleagues alike, providing a relaxing and informal atmosphere to network over complimentary drinks and festive snacks. The evening will start with…
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Unlocking the Future: Secure SATCOM in the EU – A Comprehensive Overview

Demand for secure satellite communications (SATCOM) is on the rise. The use of SATCOM supporting Crisis Management, Surveillance, and Key Infrastructure in the EU will increase by a factor of 14 between 2025 and 2040, reaching around 186 Gbps by 2040 (Fixed Satellite Services only).  Such a large increase is driven by geopolitical trends, climate…
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Workplace culture and the importance of whistleblowing policies

Join us for the next of our HR & Legal Forum events, this time we are deep diving into the elements of a strong and positive workplace culture and the importance of whistleblowing policies to protect it.  Workplace culture is pivotal in organisational success and employee satisfaction. The shared values, behaviours and norms shape a…
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Webinar: Screening foreign investment – the rising importance of economic security

ADS is pleased to host a free-to-participate webinar for ADS members only on the National Security and Investment Act, and its place within the global context of governments around the World who are trying to control investment. The National Security and Investment Act (NSIA) 2021 came into force on Tuesday 4 January 2022 and sought…
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Resilience, sustainability and access to funds all ingredients for a stronger EU Space Sector

Artificial satellites are able to endure in space thanks to the unique materials used to create them. The production of satellite components relies on some of the much needed critical raw materials such as germanium and gallium. Both materials are used to produce important satellite components from transistors to solar panels.  As Geert Vandenhoeck of…
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Webinar: Energy Insight and Solutions

With energy prices experiencing record volatility, and still high compared to recent historical averages, alongside an increased focus on net-zero, we have arranged an introductory webinar where energy experts, LG Energy Group (LGE), will discuss the issues members are facing. LGE assist companies with annual energy spends of £250k+ with energy management, reduction, legislation, generation…
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EU Space Applications to Fish Plastics Out of our Oceans and Rivers

Did you know that of the 300 million tonnes of plastic produced every year, an estimated 26 million eventually ends up in the ocean? As a result, some estimates suggest there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic floating around the oceans and washing up onto beaches and coastal areas.  There are options to tackle this…
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EU Space Week kicks off in Seville

Top EU policymakers, space industry actors and entrepreneurs from all walks of life convene in Sevilla, Spain to share knowledge and experiences on how businesses, governments, and society at large benefit from the EU Space Programme and its existing components, Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus but also new ones such as GOVSATCOM and IRIS2.  Key themes in…
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Webinar: Practical aspects of trying to manage risks when complying with Sanctions

Join this free-to-participate webinar which is open to both EGADD members and non-members who would like to have a better understanding of how to comply with international sanctions regimes. The Export Group for Aerospace, Defence & Dual-Use is organising a final webinar for 2023, to build on the success of previous such events covering “Export…
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