Category: EU News

Copernicus services supports Global Pharmaceuticals

Asthma is a condition which impacts the daily lives of 30 million Europeans and 300 million people globally. People with asthma may experience coughing, wheezing and trouble breathing among other ailments. According to the European Federation of Asthma and Allergy Associations, the global asthma prevalence could increase to 400 million people worldwide by 2025.  A…
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Empowering Security: The European Union Space Programme and EUSPA’s role in advancing resilience and innovation

The European Union Space Programme stands as a pivotal pillar in advancing security applications, propelling research, and fostering innovation across Europe’s space endeavours. The Programme serves as a cornerstone for various security applications thanks to its various components. The Copernicus Security Service delivers vital intelligence for external action, as well as border and maritime surveillance.…
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EUSPA: The partner of choice for space-based entrepreneurs

Did you know that the GNSS and Earth Observation downstream market generated over EUR 200 billion in revenue in 2021? What’s more, this market is expected to hit the half trillion mark over the next decade. Not only are these some big numbers – they also represent a BIG opportunity for European start-ups, scale-ups, SMEs,…
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Rokubun’s new Galileo OSNMA Embedded Library delivers navigation message authentication

“Are you looking for robust authenticated navigation information for your application? Do you trust the navigation information provided by the GNSS receiver in your solution? Do you trust it enough to use the data for billing in demand-responsive transport or surveillance applications? If you want to have the benefit of extra trust in the authenticity…
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EUSPA Industry Day: Development of PRS Signal-in-Space Monitoring Tool

The Galileo Public Regulated Service (PRS) is an encrypted navigation service for authorised users and sensitive applications that require high continuity. EUSPA actively contributes to the development of all areas of the PRS user segment to continuously respond to user needs and support a wide and secure use of PRS. In line with this, the…
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EUSPA Industry Days: CASSINI Hackathons & Matchmaking Procurement in a nutshell

CASSINI is the European Union’s initiative to support entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs in the space industry, including New Space, during 2021-2027. The initiative is open to all areas of the EU Space Programme, and covers both upstream (i.e. nanosats, launchers, etc. and downstream (i.e. products/services enabled by space data, etc.). CASSINI includes a €1 billion…
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I/NAV improvements are now available to all Galileo Open Service users

The Galileo OS has been upgraded with three new features added to its I/NAV message, one of the four message types broadcast by Galileo satellites. Collectively referred to simply as I/NAV improvements, these features are now available to all Galileo Open Service users. Starting on 12 August 2023, the gradual process of upgrading the operational…
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Is the Mediterranean becoming too hot to handle?

The Mediterranean is in hot water – and we don’t mean that figuratively.  According to Copernicus data, last summer was a particularly hot one for the Mediterranean. Not only did the entire region see record-breaking marine heat waves in terms of intensity, duration and area of impact, the western Med experienced at least one marine…
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Save The Date: A Spanish Flavoured EU Space Week 2023, 7-9 November

EU Space Week 2023, the hallmark event for the European space sector is a unique opportunity to get an up-close look at how European businesses – and society in general – benefit from the EU Space Programme. With an exciting line-up of networking, business matchmaking events, and application demos, this year’s EU Space Week, themed…
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Making European Railways fail-safe with the help from #EUSpace

To unleash its full potential for decarbonising European transport, the rail sector must operate more  efficiently and integrate the latest technologies to advance the digitalisation of the rail system, thereby providing high-quality customer services. ERTMS provides the European Union with a unique opportunity to create a safer, more resilient and interoperable railway network. Among others,…
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